Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today was a day of rest and relaxation for Christy and Donald.  No rehab on the weekends, and Christy still has her chest tube in place.  They did another follow up x-ray this morning of her chest.  The result was that everything is as it should be! Yay!  The plan is to take the chest tube out tomorrow & continue onto rehab.  I never got clearly why Christy developed the pneumothorax (air around lung collapsing it).  I am also not sure if being a mile high had anything to do with it, either.  Some people who are tall and thin get spontaneous pneumothorax for no reason or maybe a strong cough.  They just pop a lung! Isn't that crazy?  The treatment is the same- chest tube.  So a little blessing is that it happened on Friday, and Christy didn't miss out on much therapy.  She got to rest all weekend and just cruise!!  

Christy and Don just spent some quality time together enjoying each other's company!  Christy
, your in our thoughts and prayers daily.  May you have a wonderful day tomorrow, free from Chest tube discomfort.  May it be an easy transition getting back into therapies! love you!

As a side note, there are "iheartchisty" tee-shirts available for $10.00 now!  There were quite a few people who were asking about them at the fundraiser!  They turned out so awesome! Please contact Gail Gouveia if you are interested in purchasing one at! Aloha!


  1. Christy....

    I'm so sad to hear that you had to endure even more discomfort...we pray that you don't have to go through much more and hope that you'll feel better once it's out tomorrow. You're such the champ....seriously. Like the athlete with Don and Alan massaging you when you rest to work out all the knots and kinks. Keep up the great work, we're all thinking of you and sending our wishes and prayers to you and everyone who's helping you on this journey.

    Love you sooooo much!
    Charla and Wyatt

  2. Hey Christy,

    Hey christy good morning from hawaii! Its a cold day this morning. It feels like 50 degrees outside, and it continues to rain and storm here at home. I woke up early this morning on purpose to catch up on your progress at craig. I was not able to read the last 4 days of craig and couldnt wait to open my laptop and get started! Minor set back this lung thing, dont worry about it. Just remeber you take 10 steps forward your gonna have to take one back every so often. Its your bodies way of telling you " Hey christy we've brought you this far and your doing great but you need to give us a rest sometime, you cant always be flying ahead!" Well are you looking forward to todays therapy? I hope you slept well last night! Have any good dreams? You know once in ahile it would be nice to hear what your thinking via this blog instead of gabby and I mean I love there blogs and without them we would be lost but it would be so encouraging to here from your prospective once in awhile even if its a couple sentences you type yourself..come on I know you have alot to say..its in your blood! When me and alan were together he could never shut up! He always wanted to talk about someting mainly nothing, tell you the truth I think he just wanted to be heard. ha ha.. I remember one time when he picked me up(sorry memory lane now bear with me chrisy)in your white Audi and I opened the door on the passenger side and about twenty pairs of shoes attacked me at once. I told alan what the hell are all those shoes doing in a car? He just said get in and step on them its my dam sister's. I didnt tell him but I cracked up inside thinking what this girl cant afford a shoe rack? ha ha.. Alan never told me you were a DIVA! Im so sorry that alan never got a chance to introduce you and I, cause I know you would have been a good friend! Over the years from the time me and allenna were dating till now I always here about you from my uncle Kenny who said you use to always sleep at there house when you were young(cute). I also here stories from my cousin Naomi and how rascal you were and how beautiful a friend you were. All these stories warm my heart and make me feel apart of your life and journey to heal as it must for all your other friends and family who read this blog. I pray for you often and am very happy that you are in good hands with Don, Alan, and Luis. You could not have asked for better caregivers. Donald truly loves you dearly and its "thru our trials that we see the love ever so clearer between one another". Alan also with his humor and his charm truly is a blessing to hav around. They say laughter is a cure all for anything we may go thru, let me tell you girl you got a whole comedy act front and center with your loving brother alan. Lastly, before I take up all the space on this blog with my "potagee mouth" is Luis. Alan sure knows how to pick um. He's a sweetheart with so much to give. He brushes your hair, does your nails, and even cooks awesome food for you! Dam girl you got it good! I send you much aloha and love from hawaii your true home and cant wait for your return. Kisses and Hugs to the whole Gouveia/Huddy clan in Colorado! Love you Christy and hang in there! Donald your the best! Alex...
