Sunday, May 17, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Today was an average day for Christy in her rehab. Sorry, but there are not going to be any photos for today because Donald felt like slacking. Just kidding, just no photos. Slight delay in this post as both Gabby and I were traveling Friday and we were out all day Saturday when I arrived here in Denver. Christy wanted to go shopping.

She had a normal day with PT and OT today. She did work with a different speech therapist today who tried something new with Christy. Not sure why, but Melea was not with her today. Anyway, the new speech therapy program is a computer program that shows a mouth pronouncing and sounding out words/phrases. Christy has to see the words/phrases stated and then she repeats them back to the therapist. It is an attempt to train her muscle memory for all of the muscles in her mouth. She also sings the songs that she hears on the programs helping her speech to get stronger.

PT was normal stretching and walking against ballerina bars. Nothing out of the ordinary for the work this morning. The second session of OT was interesting as they spent time with the UNO cards today. Basically, she organized and arranged all of the colors with like colors. Donald also worked with her in arranging the cards in numerical order. It worked on her vision in being able to recognize the colors and numbers. Also, putting the numbers in order and organizing them by color was a workout for her memory. She did very well with the UNO cards this afternoon according to Donald.

You will be receiving the posts live and in color from Denver this week. I will be here until Wednesday reporting for Gabby. She was sent to a nursing conference in New Orleans, so she was unable to come back to Denver. Anyhow, Christy only has a little more than a week left here and then she will be back with the family and friends back home. We can't wait until she comes home.

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